Saturday, May 21, 2011

Grandma's Books

My Grandmother was a great and godly woman who passed away almost two decades ago.  As I wrote that sentence, I was startled at how quickly the time has passed since that day!  

Grandma had collected a number of books during her lifetime and a few of them fell into my hands.  Most of them are in a box in the basement and are not the type of books I would readily read or use when doing research.  Recently, however, I came across one that I wanted to read -- "The Weapon of Prayer" by E.M. Bounds. 

E.M. Bounds lived from 1835-1913.  He was trained an apprenticed as an attorney, but entered the ministry in his twenties.  He was ordained in 1859 in the Methodist Church and he served as a chaplain during the Civil War.  During his life he wrote extensively on prayer. 

This little book has been slow reading for me because I have had precious little free time lately and when I do I tend to fall asleep in mid sentence!  Further, his writing style and language is dated and therefore a bit more difficult to access. Another challenge has been that Grandma marked up the book extensively in some spots.  Now, if you know me, you know that I mark my books up to, so it may seem that this is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.  But I have actually found it interesting to see what my Grandmother found interesting.  Grandma was a woman of prayer.  She was passionate and persistent in the pursuit of prayer.  I could learn a lot from her in this area and I wish she were with us today so that I could learn this discipline from her.  

Today while reading the Bounds book I noticed this notation on the side of the page written in the shaky cursive of her later years: "My Prayer".  What exactly was the paragraph that she highlighted?  It was a quote from
William Carvosso:

Oh, I long to be filled more with God!  Lord, stir me up more in earnest.  I want to be more like Jesus.  I see that nothing will do but being continually filled with the divine presence and glory.  I know all that Thou hast is mine, but I want to feel a close union.  Lord, increase my faith."
 Concerning Carvosso E.M. Bounds wrote: "Continual prayer and turning all conversation toward Christ in every company and in every home, was the inexorable law he followed, until he was gathered home."  That was my Grandmother to a "T."  No matter where you started with her, it always ended with Jesus.  And it usually started with Jesus too!  Jesus was everything to her and she spent hours in prayer with him -- until she too was gathered home.  

You did exceedingly well, Grandma.  I love you and I miss you. 
Soli Deo Gloria!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cooking with Style

I saw this video imbedded on another blog and I laughed so hard I could hardly see!  Perhaps I have a warped sense of humor, but I found this to be an entertaining parody on the plethora of cooking shows that are available for public consumption these days.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome to Kate's Hospital

Here is the morning's patient

"First we put him to sleep with this"

"Then we take out his tonsils with this" (notice the power drill in her hands)

I'm a bit suspicious about her medical credentials and training, but she has a great bedside manner!


Tonight we got home a bit late from "Family X Night" at our church.  While getting ready for bed, Kate began to complain that Sam had not flushed the toilet after using.  At this point the following exchange took place.

Mom (Tongue in cheek): Kate, we need to protect mother earth.

Kate: I'm too tired.  That's a lot of work.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

An Educational Mother's Day

Part of our Mother's Day adventure included a hike at a State Park.  On our way we noticed this sign: (click to enlarge)

I had no idea that this could be considered the birthplace of the national weather service!  What I did know is that early in the year they have a marathon where the midpoint of the race is at the top of the tower.  All I could think about is how painful it must be to run up the hill and then up to the top of the tower!

With a mixture of fear and excitement, two little adventurers made their way to the top of the tower. 

The normally fearless Kate cautiously made her way to the summit and was immediately ready to head back down.  Meanwhile, the normally reticent Sam gleefully attacked the stairs, continually inquiring what it would be like to jump off from the various levels.  It is fascinating to watch the various aspects of a child's personality emerge.  I recently read that I should study my children so that I would better understand them as individuals with the expressed purpose of helping to shape and direct their lives appropriately.  Through adventures like this one I continually discover interesting new aspects of their personalities.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Kid's Dream!

When we were in Topeka, KS last weekend we discovered a kid's dream -- Gage Park.

Sam just had to ride the mini-train and it was great fun.

After the train, we had to play on the coolest playground I have ever seen!

Look out Sam!

Which way to way to Nineveh?

Quick, get on the boat!

There be dangerous creatures in the sea!

Let's move to the safety of dry ground

Sam had some much fun, we made a return visit the next day.  If you ever travel through Topeka, this is a great place to visit.  The park is free, the train is less than $2, and there is a nice zoo which is inexpensive as well. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What is True Love?

We recently road tripped to Topeka, Kansas to meet up with some friends.  We found a fascinating park while we were there.  Here is a picture of the shoe, I assume it belongs to the old lady who lived in a shoe.  There is a pole that runs down the boot shaft that is great fun for kids, but often requires dad's to crawl inside to catch their kids.

When I crawled inside, I discovered a plethora of graffiti.  For whatever reason, public parks seem to be the place that a young man will publicly declare his true love for the woman of his dreams.  One in particular caught my attention.

I had to laugh when I saw that James evidently later returned to the scene to disavow his expression of true love and to make another vow declaring his intent to never love Paige again.  I wonder if Paige knows any of this?